Recently, the LTR Digital Group hosted a Google Partners event. It was a live simulcast with experts from Google discussing how businesses should a variety of digital strategies and tactics to enhance their marketing efforts.
I will admit that at LTR Digital, we do drink the Google lemonade, but we do it for good reasons. Let’s all admit that Google dominates the search market, but they also provide a wide range of tools to help ensure that the dollars spent to gain exposure on Google are all there for the business owner to utilize in order gain the the ROI they need to grow their business. Google’s goal is to provide the user the best results based on the searcher’s query, so It does not matter if you are an SMB or a large corporation, they help you understand how to get that exposure based on your goals.
I just wanted to share some of the highlights from that presentation. I will include links to the presentations so you can gain whatever other insights you find relevant. What I am sharing is not rocket science, but good, solid foundation ideas.
Fred Vallaeys—Google Partners presentation on YouTube
1. Site optimization: know what keywords to target. Put yourself in the searchers side of the equation and understand what terms they would use. It is not always going to be industry jargon.
2. Get listed in directories, and get reviews. He states that 90% of customers say reviews influence their purchase decisions.
3. Utilize Google + for Business
4. Blog, and create Google Authorship. (nice article written on the subject by Jayson Demers, Huff Post)
5. Utilze Google Webmaster Tools
6. Create a mobile friendly website. It is an absolute must in today’s mobile environment.
7. Get found. Whether it is by creating the right kind of content that your customers need to solve a problem or fill a need, it will help you organically.
8. Get found. Utilize Google Adwords. They work. 97% of consumers research products online before buying.
9. If you are a local business, utilize extensions inside Adwords. 72% of consumers who searched for local info visited the store within 5 miles.
Arjan Dijk—Google Partners presentation on YouTube
I just want to provide 3 key points from his presentation. These were geared more to small business, but from my experience all sized companies can’t forget these basic ideas. There were more good points, but don’t want to make this post too long!
1. What makes you unique? If you are trying to compete with the “big boys”, determine that unique selling point that sets you apart.
2. Who is your target audience? This is essential to know so your marketing dollars are well spent.
3. What is your objective? Do you want them to order online? Make the phone ring? Come into your store? Whatever it is, make your calls to action match.
There was another section on how agencies like the LTR Digital Group can enhance and make your digital marketing efforts more effective, but I won’t go into that portion. All I will say is that if you do not have the bandwidth or the internal expertise to play in Google’s world, consider getting help. You have a business to run, let the experts help you grow it.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the LTR Digital Group.